
How To Set Screensaver On Mac

Hands holding an Apple MacBook Pro box.

Macs have a pretty simple setup process, and Apple'southward macOS will walk you lot through what you demand to do. Simply that's but one part of the setup process. Here's a checklist of things yous should do to set up your Mac after clicking through the basics.

The Initial Setup

Apple's initial setup process is nigh foolproof, so we won't spend also long walking you lot through it. The get-go thing yous'll need to do is unbox your machine and connect it to a power outlet. If yous have an iMac, so yous'll also need to connect a Magic Keyboard and Magic Mouse or Magic Trackpad.

With everything connected and plugged in, it'southward fourth dimension to hitting the power button on your Mac. On near machines, this is located in the peak-right corner of the keyboard. If your Mac has a Touch ID sensor, press that instead.

Offset of all, yous'll need to select a country, language, and wireless network. If you would rather use an Ethernet connection, you can connect your Mac to a wired network instead. Finally, choose whether or not y'all want to motility information to your new Mac using Migration Assistant.

Assuming you're setting your Mac upward as a new computer, you'll side by side be asked to enable Location Services (GPS) and log in with your Apple ID. If yous don't yet accept an Apple tree ID, you'll be invited to create one. One time y'all're signed in, there'south one last Terms and Atmospheric condition document to accept.

Next, macOS will prompt y'all to set up iCloud, FaceTime, and iMessage. Add whatsoever additional email addresses you lot would similar to use with FaceTime and iMessage, and then motion on to the next stage of the setup and enable Find My Mac as a security provision. This characteristic lets you find and remotely wipe your Mac in example it goes missing.

Next, you'll exist asked to prepare up your user business relationship, but just if you're setting up a new Mac rather than restoring from an quondam one. Add together your proper name, password, and select an image that yous would similar to encounter next to your login icon. You tin can change this afterward. Enable "Let My Apple ID to Reset This User's Password" to allow for password resets over the net in instance y'all forget your login details.

Finally, you lot can ready a Fourth dimension Zone (your Mac will automatically detect it if y'all enable Location Services) and choose to register your Mac with Apple tree. Then you tin click Keep and start using your new Mac.

RELATED: How to Back Upwards Your Stuff and Switch to a New Mac

Install the Latest Updates to macOS

At that place are likely updates or even a major operating organisation upgrades bachelor to install on your new machine. Showtime, cheque to come across which version of macOS you are running by clicking on the Apple logo in the top-left corner, so choosing Near This Mac. You lot can cheque the latest version on Apple's website.

If your Mac isn't running the latest and greatest version of macOS, you lot will likely desire to upgrade information technology earlier yous accept the process any further. To do this, head to System Preferences > Software Update and await for the tool to refresh.

Your Mac will check with Apple whether or not any updates are available, and you'll be invited to install them. Click the "Advanced" button to reveal options for automatically keeping your Mac and its apps up to date.

If a new release of macOS is available, information technology will exist listed at the pinnacle of this window. Click "Upgrade Now" and look for the download to consummate. In one case it has finished, the installation process will begin, or yous tin can launch the "Install macOS <name>" app in your Applications folder (replacing <name> with the current iteration's championship).

Installing a new version of macOS tin take a petty while, so make certain you set bated 30-hour for the process to complete. Your Mac will restart several times during this procedure.

RELATED: How to Update Your Mac and Keep Apps Up to Date

Finalize Your Setup

At present that you're running the nearly up-to-appointment version of macOS, it's time to stop setting up your Mac.

Set Up Fourth dimension Auto Backups

Set Up Time Machine in macOS

To utilise Time Auto, you lot'll demand a drive with at least as much gratis infinite as the total size of your Mac. Having a larger drive will allow you to store older versions of files, but isn't necessary if all you want is a working backup. The easiest mode to set up Time Machine is with an inexpensive external hard bulldoze.

Connect the drive you want to use to your Mac and navigate to System Preferences > Time Auto. Click on Select Disk to nominate the drive yous just added and confirm your choice. Time Motorcar volition now begin its initial backup, and will automatically back up your Mac whenever that bulldoze is connected.

You don't have to apply an external bulldoze for this purpose. You can apply another Mac for Fourth dimension Machine backups, or even a networked Raspberry Pi. It'southward also possible to sectionalization your Fourth dimension Car bulldoze and use it to store files too.

RELATED: How to Apply a Time Machine Drive for Both File Storage and Backups

Enable FileVault Encryption

Enable Filevault on macOS

FileVault is the disk encryption software that Apple bundles with macOS. Information technology'south free and offers the bare minimum of security, so if you lot're concerned well-nigh your data, you may want to enable it. Enabling FileVault will mean that you always need to login to your Mac with a password. While it'south generally enabled past default, it'southward a skillful idea to double-check.

Head to Arrangement Preferences > Security & Privacy > FileVault and click "Turn On FileVault…" to enable the feature (click on the padlock and enter your admin countersign first). Y'all'll exist invited to create and store a recovery primal in iCloud behind iii recovery questions, or to create a local recovery primal consisting of random letters and numbers which you store by yourself.

Yous'll need a recovery fundamental in instance you ever forget your FileVault countersign. Make sure you are comfortable with the recovery key method you are choosing, and if y'all opt to brand a local recovery key, then make sure you keep it somewhere you tin admission it (not on your chief startup disk, which is what you are encrypting).

Connect Electronic mail, Calendar, and Other Services

Set Up Internet Accounts in macOS

If you desire to set up Mail for use with your email accounts or integrate your Google or Outlook calendars into Apple'due south Calendar app, you lot'll need to ready your diverse accounts. Caput to Organization Preferences > Cyberspace Accounts and click on the account type you would like to add.

While calculation an account, you lot'll be asked to enable features like post, agenda, contacts, and notes. If you accept a CalDAV, CardDAV, LDAP, or regular old POP3 or IMAP email address, click "Add Other Business relationship" and choose the appropriate option.

Set Up Other Accounts & Parental Controls

Create User Accounts in macOS

Are there any other members of your family, household, or office that will be using this Mac? Head to System Preferences > Users & Groups to add new accounts. Y'all'll need to click on the padlock icon and enter your admin password to brand changes. You tin so click on the plus "+" icon to create new accounts.

Add details like total proper noun, account proper name, password, and the account type so click on "Create User" to finalize. If you lot want to impose parental controls on the account, visit System Preferences > Screen Fourth dimension to use app limits and content or privacy restrictions on the type of content the account can access.

Tweak macOS to Your Liking

At present that yous've prepare all of the of import stuff, information technology's time to tweak macOS until y'all're happy with the fashion that it looks and feels.

Set Pointing Devices

Customize Trackpad Behavior in macOS

If y'all take a laptop or a Mac with a Magic Trackpad, you'll likely want to customize the way your pointing device behaves. Caput to System Preferences > Trackpad to see the diverse gestures available to you. You lot can customize these gestures or simply hover over them to come across a video instance.

This is your opportunity to alter the way macOS scrolls. If you aren't fond of the touchscreen-inspired "Natural" scrolling, then click on "Scroll & Zoom" and disable "Scroll direction: Natural" to contrary it. If you have a Magic Mouse instead, head to System Preferences > Mouse to set double click and tracking speed.

Customize the Dock

Customize Dock Behavior in macOS

Click and drag on an icon out of the dock and then release it to remove it entirely. You won't be deleting the app or folder, just the shortcut. Drag an app from your Applications folder to the dock to pin it, or launch the app then correct-click (ii-finger click with a trackpad) on the icon and select Options > Go along in Dock.

Head to System Preferences > Dock to see fifty-fifty more options. You lot tin can choose to position it on the left, right, and bottom edges of your screen, enable auto-hibernate, tweak the dock size, enable the magnification animation, and more.

Enable Dark Way

Enable Dark Mode in macOS

macOS at present has Dark Mode, and it looks great whether or not you lot primarily use your Mac in dim weather condition. Head to Arrangement Preferences > General and toggle Appearance between Light, Dark, and Auto. If you choose, Auto macOS will automatically enable nighttime manner based on the time of day.

Disable Autocorrect

Disable Autocorrenct in macOS

For some reason, macOS still enables autocorrect by default on every new Mac. While autocorrect is a lifesaver when typing with a touch-based keyboard, it's generally unnecessary on a full-size hardware keyboard. It'due south easy to feel like autocorrect is "fighting" what you're trying to type.

If you don't like this, you can disable the feature under Arrangement Preferences > Keyboard > Text. Disable "Right spelling automatically" and "Capitalize words automatically" to disable autocorrect entirely. Y'all tin can also turn off "Add together period with double-space" if you don't apply the characteristic.

Accommodate Resolution Scaling

Set Display Scaling in macOS

You can scale the display resolution of your Mac to fit more or less on-screen at once. If y'all choose to have more than on-screen, things will appear smaller. The text will exist harder to read, and everything will feel somewhat "zoomed out" compared to the default setting. Or, if you want elements on the screen to be larger, you can go the other style and "zoom in."

Head to Arrangement Preferences > Displays, and select "Scaled" then choose a new resolution. Y'all can always driblet back to "Default" if you don't like what you run across.

Configure Secondary Displays

If you intend to connect a secondary or third brandish for use with your Mac, at present'due south the time. Plug the monitor in and power it up, then launch System Preferences > Displays. You'll need to configure your display according to where it is positioned on your desk, and pick a resolution and refresh charge per unit you're happy with.

Tweak the Keyboard

Set Keyboard Preferences in macOS

Head to Organization Preferences > Keyboard to view keyboard preferences. Nigh of these options will be best left at their default settings unless you experience the demand to change them based on usage.

Y'all tin can add together text expansion shortcuts under the Text tab, for example, you might want to supersede ":shrug:" with "¯\_(ツ)_/¯" or ":myaddress:" with your home address for quicker typing.

Nether "Input Sources," you can install different keyboard layouts if you want. For instance, if yous employ the "British" layout, you can type the "£" symbol past property Shift + three.

Are you using a third party hardware keyboard intended for Windows? A gratis app called Karabiner-Elements will let you to reconfigure each key, including the Windows keys and unsupported media keys, for a much better macOS experience.

Tweak the Touch Bar

Customize MacBook Pro with TouchBar

If y'all have a MacBook Pro with Touch Bar, you can configure what is displayed past launching an app and so selecting View > Customize Touch Bar. You can drag and drop controls into the Touch on Bar panel based on what you about unremarkably use.

Yous can likewise caput to System Preferences > Keyboard to run across other Touch Bar options. Click on Customize Control Strip to change which system-wide control buttons are displayed (including book and media controls).

Customize Siri

Customize Siri Preferences in macOS

You can change everything about Siri, including the keyboard shortcut, linguistic communication, voice profile, and whether or not to receive voice feedback under System Preferences > Siri.

If y'all disable "Enable Ask Siri," then you will turn the feature off entirely. Siri can be used to do some useful things on macOS, like finding files for y'all and pinning dynamic information to your Today screen.

Ready Bear upon ID

If your Mac has a fingerprint reader, you may have already set upward Touch ID. If not, you can practice so at present under System Preferences > Touch ID. You tin enable Bear on ID for the following:

  • Unlocking your Mac
  • Paying for items with Apple Pay
  • Paying for and downloading items from the App Shop, iTunes, Apple Books
  • Filling in Passwords and other Saved Credentials

All of these are useful and worth enabling. Y'all tin also add a secondary fingerprint hither if you want.

Enable Bombardment Percentage View

Enable Battery Percentage Indicator

If your new Mac is a laptop, at that place'southward a expert take a chance y'all'll appreciate a battery percentage counter in the tiptop-right corner, rather than the vague battery symbol that'south displayed past default.

To do this, click on the battery indicator in the acme-right and select Show Percentage. Don't forget; you lot can also click on the bombardment indicator at whatsoever point to see any apps that are using a meaning amount of energy, which is useful when trying to conserve battery power.

Enable Night Shift

Enable Night Shift in macOS

Night Shift is a feature that emulates the setting sunday's orangish glow to promote better sleep. Information technology does this past removing as much blueish light equally possible. You can enable the feature under Organisation Preferences > Displays > Night Shift.

Y'all can set a "Sunset to Sunrise" schedule, which will use weather information to decide when to enable or disable the feature, or gear up your ain custom schedule. Drag the "Color Temperature" slider to your desired level of bluish low-cal reduction.

You lot can instantly disable or enable Night Shift past bringing up the Today screen (click on the icon in the top-right corner of your screen), then scrolling up to reveal the Night Shift pick.

Customize Your Wallpaper

Set Desktop Image and Screen Saver in macOS

Apple includes some amazing desktop wallpapers with macOS. Head to System Preferences > Desktop & Screen Saver to scan what'south already available. Choose "Dynamic" wallpapers to meet your wallpaper change depending on the time of mean solar day.

Install the Essential Apps

The last phase of setting up your Mac is to install any additional apps you want to use. We recommend using Safari equally your main browser since it's well-optimized for both performance and energy efficiency in macOS. A second browser is handy to have around, so we'd recommend grabbing Chrome or Firefox too.

Firefox for Mac

Next, grab any large software suites that you regularly employ similar Microsoft Role or Adobe Creative Cloud. Alternatives you might want to look at include LibreOffice or Apple's own iWork suite.

You should be using a countersign manager, then download LastPass, 1Password, Dashlane, or whatever it is you are using. If you're already using Apple'due south iCloud keychain, and then y'all simply demand to make sure yous're signed in to your Apple ID under System Preferences.

MPV for Mac

You may need a media histrion likewise for the many unsupported filetypes that QuickTime Player doesn't support. Download VLC or MPV and install them. If you're a keen user of deject storage, and so you'll desire to catch Google Bulldoze, Dropbox, OneDrive, or whichever solution you prefer.

It'due south as well worth checking your Mac App Store purchase history for whatsoever apps y'all may have forgotten. Launch the Mac App Shop then click on your name in the bottom-left corner to meet a list of past purchases. Click the cloud icon adjacent to each ane to download them.

Vanilla for Mac

After all that, you might want to download Vanilla to cut down on menu bar icons and keep everything nicely organized. For even more than suggestions, check these must-have apps for new Mac owners.

RELATED: How to Install Applications On a Mac: Everything You Demand to Know

Finishing Touches

You lot're now set to use your Mac. There are a few other tasks that you might want to perform in the background while you boot the tires on your new automobile:

  • Launch Mail (if you're using information technology, or some other e-mail app) and let it download your postal service history. Depending on the size of your inbox, this tin can accept a long fourth dimension.
  • Open Photos and set up iCloud Photo Library if you're using it. Give it a bit of fourth dimension to download your library. You can cull between "optimized" copies and full-sized originals.
  • Launch the Music, Podcasts, and TV apps and sign in to each, then let iCloud sync your library so that your amusement is ready-to-go when you want it.

But what if y'all're non setting up your new Mac from scratch? Learn how to back up and motion to a new Mac without setting everything upwardly over again.


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